Monday, June 09, 2008


so i ate the first "fruit of my labor" last night. sooooo amazing. it is seriously awesome to eat something that you have babied and watched grow from nothing. i have organic grape tomatoes, romas, red bell peppers, and pumpkins going, all of which are doing really well. perfect timing for them to start being ripe since there is an e-coli outbreak for tomatoes. i just wish i lived somewhere more conducive to having a garden. i could grow things in the ground, instead of in pots. sigh. maybe someday....


Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Move to Oregon, that'll solve all your gardening problems. :) That tomato looks beautiful and I hope it was equally as yummy!

Emily said...

Wow good job! I am so impressed!

the splendid life of us... said...

Looking at that yummy tomato makes my mouth water! Good job!