Monday, September 07, 2009


i am now officially in my thirties. and so far- it's been way better than my twenties. i am not upset about it because apparently i still look young- 2 days before my birthday a woman thought i was 21, so that's not too bad.
aaron was gone for work on the actual day, but he took me out to my favorite restaurant a few days later. it was so good, especially since we haven't been there in about three years. he also got me a new chair. i have been looking at it for quite a while, but figured it was a far-off purchase. well, i came home from oregon to find it sitting in our living room. quite a nice surprise. i love it.

so now i need to re-do the ottoman in new fabric. good thing it was easy-peasy!

the night of my birthday, my wonderful friends Lyndsey and Jen twisted my arm and came over for dessert and card playing. Jen made a super yummy cheesecake (no i'm NOT just saying that) and Lyndsey brought over chocolate fondue. so no complaining about that!

cheers to thirty!

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